
We have a simple, but robust vision; Our vision is to one day live in a world without poverty.

We do a lot to improve life for communities in need!

​Upcoming Events


If you have able hands, we want your help. Whether it's serving food, aid in a kitchen, committee members or collecting donations, we need you. And so do communities in need.

Salvation Of Sorrows Inc. 

​Founder ,

​Abby Anderson

I have been incredibly fortunate in my life, to never have to experience homelessness. I see in the world every day but; my veteran father was unfortunately homeless before his death in 2014 - and I think it’s a shame that in a country as great as ours, anyone should.


His passing had inspired me to make a difference with that desire in my heart, I preside over Salvation Of Sorrows Inc./ Haircuts 4 The Homeless ™ We are going to make the most substantial impact. The world is made up of these important social connections and if you foster them positively, they’ll pay huge dividends - in love, care, and a better world.